… because life is often like going to the mountains
Ashok Silwal
Rushing and chasing,
Racing and pursuing,
Running and running after…..
Two different ways, two behaviors in life.
Advance at a fast pace,
Lifting one foot before placing the other.
It is walking quickly.
It is the harmonious and elegant
Movement of the athlete
That involves the whole body:
The legs, the arms, the trunk, the head..
Without being an athlete,
Running can also be heavy and clumsy,
But this has no relevance here.
Then why running?
For various reasons:
-for the physical and mental pleasure
Of feeling good and light, fluid;
Running, without excess is good for your health.
And, for some, it is a real addiction.
-for enthusiasm and happiness,
To reach a person or a thing, first.
Then you don’t run, you “fly”,
As the little child running into his mother’s arms
When leaving school.
-for joy, on a meadow that smells of grass,
To express a sense of freedom.
-out of impatience, sometimes out of ambition
Because you want to get there before others.
-out of necessity because the bus is about to leave
Or the office is about to close.
And… you are late.
-out of fear, to escape from danger
Because you are chased by an evil dog
Or by torrential rain….
It is being in pursuit of someone or something
Tenaciously trying to reach him, her or it,
With difficulties that seem sometimes insurmountable.
In chasing, there is often a sense of:
-uselessness because the goal
Always moves forward or even disappears.
-worry, anxiety, and restlessness
Because you often have the awareness
That you are chasing just for yourself.
-disappointment and not filled hope
Because the result does not live up to expectations.
-desperation when, for example, one chases healing that doesn’t happen.
-dissatisfaction: you often chase a facade,
You want to appear, to show others
A new clothe for example, a new car,
Then you choose falsehood, superficiality.
YES! To the child ’s enthusiastic
Spontaneous and joyful running…
NO! To the useless chase
That generates suffering and a sense of defeat.
Perhaps, from the experience of life,
We might learn some lessons,
Finding the right pace
That allows to:
-rejoice in what we have around us;
-accept that we don’t have “everything”;
-understand that there’s a joyful free and healing race;
-understand also that there is an evil chase
That creates false goals and illusions.
As in all things,
The middle path is often the right one:
As Aristotle said and Buddha first;
Seeking a balance outside of any exaggeration.
You can be happy without running or chasing
Because life is often like going to the mountains.
You have to be patient and cautious,
Sometimes you have to go back.
It is not cowardice , it is wisdom,
That of the turtle in the fable
That goes reasonably slowly and safety.
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