Accept what life gives you in return

True reflection of my life

Sumana Panta

Good Afternoon & Namaskar.

As a human being, I have certain things that I came across. This speech is a true reflection of my life. I hope I can persuade you all to see the positive aspects of your life.

This message is for all my fellow teachers. Shaping a young mind is a miraculous job. We paint their minds, guide their thoughts. We share their achievements and guide their faults. It needs lots of dedication,  hard work, and passion to be in this field. The years that you invest in the teaching profession will shape you as a better human being and also give you immense happiness and satisfaction. It is one of the most profound jobs of all.

The hurdles and obstacles that you face and the dreams that you chase are part of your life. For instance, it’s somewhat like going through a night with the hope of beautiful dawn and desires. Hence, no need to go aimlessly for the race, just focus on your pace. Look at those rose flowers. They bloom around the sniffy thrones. You should always understand your path is full of possibilities.

Mostly, we tend to see that our mind is scattered all over the place. This shows you are desperate for your success in a short period. You know you mostly tend to hide what is inside you and waste time on what could be yet. This is not the right way to know your own identity. Let us not sit hour after hour, thinking about the cause of trouble. I suggest you not forget the countless blessings that you have been showered with by your loved ones, parents, nature, and the globe. Find your strengths and your powers that you have within you. Then only you can rise high above the cowards. I suggest you be like the flowers that give off their scent rather than feeling overwhelming and disappointed.

Dear friends, do not find yourself running from damage, disaster which might lead you to mental illness and ruin your life rather than behave in a rational manner. You are so much lost in this outer world where you tend to forget reality. That you forgot who created you and made you human beings, You are more focused on the scientific invention of DNA and GENES. You forgot who gave you a mind to judge your own actions.

YES, my dear friend life can be quite a mystery, and the key to success doesn’t come in order. You are born once and live one life, enjoy every moment to the fullest. Make sure everything that we wish for is not always guaranteed. Friends, I promise your efforts won’t be fruitless. Do not ever think you’re useless. You all come with a purpose in this universe. Please don’t feel hopeless but always chase your ambition. You are a mother, sister, daughter, friend, and teacher. Think, how valuable you are in this universe and be true to yourself. Although, the people make you suffer, always think that trees lose their leaves only to blossom in the summer. This year has already been hard on you so you don’t have to be hard on yourself. Therefore, feel proud and think this is where it all begins.

In a nutshell, for all the teachers over there you need to pat yourself. You constantly worked for the betterment of your student learning and exploring each day. At last, leave all the negativity with positivity and accept what life gives you in return. If you want to be happy this is exactly what I request you all to do.

(If you want to publish anything, we welcome you with smile. Just remember for it.)

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